(Brewsers) – In 2019, the livestock industry faced great difficulties with a series of problems related to diseases, prices… But above all, the efforts of the whole industry to maintain growth momentum, The Livestock Law coming into life will gradually remove the shortcomings of the past time… Those are the sharings of Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien (photo) with Reporter The Breeder on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2020.

Last year was generally a difficult year for the livestock industry, specifically, epidemics, especially ASF, drought, floods, climate change… But it must be said that right from the end of 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development met and received identify difficulties and challenges, and propose solutions that are very close to reality. Including policy advice as well as direction. 2019 was a very fierce year facing ASF, but since February 1, 2019 when it happened in Hung Yen, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has advised the Government, the Prime Minister, and the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee to come up with solutions. documents such as Directive 04 of the Prime Minister, Directive 34 of the Secretariat and a series of documents, for example Resolution 16, Resolution 42, Decision 793 and a series of instructions for implementing measures Skill. Up to now, the epidemic has been greatly reduced. Currently, there are 16 provinces, 85% of communes have passed 30 days, 2 provinces have finished the epidemic, Hung Yen and Hai Duong. Models of biosafety using inoculants to improve resistance were replicated in production and based on practical and scientific bases for the provinces that issued re-herd documents about 2-3 months ago.

Currently, according to the reports of the provinces, the whole country still has 25 million pigs; 109,000 pigs, grandparents and great-grandparents are still kept. The whole country lost 10% of the total pig herd and since the outbreak of the epidemic, the policies in Resolution 42 and 793 have been resolved, supporting many small farmers, farms and businesses. aid. Initially, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development directed to restructure the livestock industry, firstly increasing the raising of large cattle and herbivorous cattle; secondly, promote the development of poultry production and raise the capacity of aquaculture.

By the end of December 2019, poultry production is expected to increase by 13-14%; an increase of 150,000 tons of poultry meat and eggs compared to 2018 is about 2 billion eggs, equivalent to 100 thousand tons. In general, poultry has increased by 250 thousand tons of commercial products; Beef increased by 6 thousand tons, goats and sheep increased by 5 thousand tons (total of 11 thousand tons), so a total increase of 261 thousand tons. Particularly, seafood increased by 130 thousand tons. This is the data by the end of November, and the total amount of livestock and poultry production this year, including seafood, will increase by more than 400 thousand tons, which will make up for the shortage of pork caused by ASF.
Regarding the law, for the first time, we have the Law on Livestock and this year institutionalized and guided the implementation of the Law on Livestock with a Decree and a Sanctioning Decree, 4 Circulars were issued. Thus, there is a legal corridor for the livestock industry to develop in the direction of industry, integrate with the scale of goods, associated with processing while still ensuring the environment.
In 2020, when the Law on Livestock takes effect, will it solve the root of the industry’s difficulties, Deputy Minister?
We must understand that animal husbandry in our country is a small-scale livestock that still accounts for a high percentage. Although after years of renovation, there has been a very positive change, it has provided basic food for the people in the country and exported. But it must be said that small-scale livestock production, taking advantage of livestock is always associated with epidemics and for ASF, there has been no vaccine or preventive medicine for nearly 100 years. With a country with a long border like Vietnam, the end of the year and the beginning of the year often cause a lot of disease spread because of slaughtering activities, trade exchanges, trade and tourism… These are the difficult for the industry. Therefore, when the Law on Livestock is born, it will be the foundation for restructuring towards production, a series of difficulties will remain but will be gradually removed. But it must also be said that there are many new diseases arising. Since the beginning of the 21st century until now, 75% of human diseases are caused by animals, so confronting challenges with small livestock production, small slaughter, with food safety, with traceability … It’s an industry problem.
In order for the Livestock Law to come to life better, what should the livestock industry do to realize the provisions of the Law?
We are shifting the livestock industry from small to large scale industrial farming, at least in the upcoming Land Law, as I said, there must be land for livestock in other types of land to grow. can focus on building farms and farms, so that large enterprises can participate. Second, there are incentives for different ecological regions to mobilize resources for businesses and people. Secondly, all the regulations in 4 Circulars and 2 Decrees are strictly complied with, we will soon bring livestock and production out of smallness and difficulties.
ASF severely affects the livestock industry, so in 2020 what measures should we take to limit difficulties from the disease in general?
By summarizing 10 months of anti-epidemic, we have a system of research topics that hope to have results soon. The second is summarizing from practice models of households, farms, and farms of large enterprises, showing that biosecurity is the only way to be effective now. Using preparations to improve resistance is that we can completely keep pigs before ASF. These models are many in practice such as: Guilin Group, Masan, Mavin, C.P. Vietnam… These places have done very well. Up to now, people have understood how to ensure biosecurity and boldly re-herd. Many provinces have regulations on re-herding such as: Dong Nai has a regulation 2 months ago, or Binh Dinh, Thanh Hoa. This biosafety re-breeding product is sure to come to market this Tet.
We already have a number of processed products for export in the industry. In 2020, how should we promote our strengths to boost exports?
In 2018, we exported 8 million eggs, 30,000 tons of honey, 12 thousand tons of pork and 27,000 tons of poultry meat. In addition to fighting the epidemic, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development directed the Department of Animal Health to build safe areas, so far there have been nearly 1,000 breeding areas that are disease-free, bio-safe and are promoting efficiency. trade between Vietnam – China, Vietnam – Russia and then Vietnam – America and some other countries. Recently, we have exported more than 50 containers of milk to China. Besides, we are currently exporting oats, it is expected that in early 2020 there will be a Protocol. Soon we will also have 2 chicken export lines. We have communicated with Russia, Russia has agreed in principle, they have guided us on the application for licensing, and agreed that all chicken products exported to Japan will be exported to Russia. That is, we have promoted, exported milk, exported processed chicken to Russia and other markets. I firmly believe that with the introduction of the Law on Livestock, there are Circulars and Decrees guiding, effective from January 1, 2020, along with restructuring and summarizing the 10-year strategy, there will not be an export orientation. but also boost exports.
What do you think about the livestock industry in 2020?
2020 is a year that will face many difficulties and challenges because looking at the world situation is quite tense, all countries, ethnic groups, economic blocs, people have set up protective barriers, fences are increasing. is tightened. Next, the production capacity of countries has also made certain progress. Overall, the world situation as in 2019 growth is very slow and even decreases, trade confrontation between major countries is still there. Therefore, the difficulties and challenges are very clear, so it must be said that 2020 is forecasted to be a very difficult year.
But I firmly believe that with the efforts and direction of the National Assembly, the Government, the Party Central Committee and the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the whole industry, agriculture still has its own favorable conditions to be able to promote yes, including livestock. Especially the launch year for the plan and the Circulars and Decrees, and at the same time is the year of restructuring on the basis of the 10-year strategy review, so we will definitely have new resources and motivations to develop the project. commodity-oriented livestock production.
Source: Livestock Newspaper

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